GELC Team Spectator Liaison/Harassment Policy


Greater Edmonton Lacrosse Council

POLICY 4- Team Spectator Liaison

All GELC teams are required to have an adult volunteer be the team Spectator Liaison, to assist coaches and officials at games with spectator management.

4.1 Duties of the Liaison

  • Uphold the code of conduct of the GELC.
  • Introduce yourself to the officials and other teams Spectator Liaison at the start of the game as the Name of the Team, spectator Liaison.
  • At all games monitor the actions of the spectators who have come to the game to watch.
  • Speak with spectators as to appropriate behaviors.
  • Assist the coaching staff with crowd/and or remove of offensive individuals.
  • When team is requested to supply offending individuals names be the person responsible to providing to the head coach and referee.
  • If matters escalate please walk away and call the police.

4.2 Inappropriate Behaviors of fans:

  • Banging on the glass, or boards.
  • Making abusive comments to the officials.
  • Verbally abusing players on either teams. 
  • Getting into verbal sparring matches with opposing spectators. 
  • Using profanity or making inappropriate gestures.
  • Engaging coaching staffs.
  • Going to areas of the arena that are not spectator seating.
  • Throwing objects.
  • Not leaving when asked to leave the facility


POLICY 9- Harassment Policy

The GELC is committed to promoting a sport environment in which the terms and conditions of participation are equitable and non-discriminatory. Every participant has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to work, train and compete in a milieu conducive to productivity, self-development and performance advancement based upon individual interest and ability. The GELC will foster a sport environment free of harassment on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital/family status, language or an offence for which a pardon has been granted.

9.01 Harassment means any behavior by a person engaged in any paid or volunteer capacity, role, or function with the GELC that is offensive to any person or group of people and which the individual knew or ought to have known would be unwelcome.

9.02 Harassment may be intentional or unintentional and can take many forms, but generally involves conduct, comment, or display which is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, demeaning, belittling, malicious, degrading, or otherwise causes offence, discomfort, or personal humiliation or embarrassment to a person or group of people.

9.03 The following types of harassment are intolerable, whether or not individuals complain:

9.03.1 Sexual Harassment - unwelcomed sexual behavior such as inappropriate sexual comments about a person's body or appearance, use of derogatory sexual terms, enquiries or comments about an individual's sex life or sexual preferences, unwanted touching, petting or leering; sexual advances or requests for sexual relations by any person in a position of authority; or reprisal by any person in a position of authority against an individual who has rejected a sexual advance or unwelcomed sexual behavior.

9.03.2 Racial Harassment - racial slurs, jokes or name calling based upon race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, and creed (or religion), use of terminology which reinforces stereotypes, derogatory nicknames.

9.03.3 Abuse of Authority - improper use of power and authority inherent in a position to endanger or undermine another's job, position, membership or participation on a team, or in any way interfere with or influence the performance or advancement of any person engaged in any such function: intimidation, threats, blackmail or coercion.

9.03.4 It is the overall objective of the GELC Policy on Harassment to create and maintain a work and sport environment free from harassment. Individuals who experience harassment are encouraged to take the appropriate actions to put an end to the harassment and seek adequate redress.

9.04 Harassment which is unintentional may be stopped by informing the harasser(s) that the behavior is offensive. If the behaviors continue, the individual should file a complaint in the manner described in the GELC Complaint Review Policy.

9.04.1 If an individual feels uncomfortable or threatened about confronting the harasser(s) on their own, a complaint should be filed directly in accordance with the GELC Complaint Review Policy. 9.04.2 The GELC takes any complaint seriously and will investigate and respond in a sensitive and timely manner.

9.04.6 The GELC believes that harassment is a serious offence. It is also a serious offence to falsely accuse someone of harassment.

9.04.6. 1 If the results of the investigation find that there has been harassment or that there has been an intentional false accusation of harassment, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the GELC Complaint Review Policy.

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